1. Determine the width of the board. It should be about 6" wider then the window frame. 3" will overlap on each side. At this time you may also attach the "L" brackets.
2. Measure and cut the width of your fabric. The width needs to include a seam allowance of 1/2" to 5/8", and enough fabric to wrap around the corner of the board.
3. Pin the face of the decorative fabric to the face of the lining fabric. Sew the two pieces together at the sides and bottom edge. Turn it right side out.
4. Cut and sew contrasting ties. They will be as long as the length of your shade and finished width will be about 2". You will need 4 separate pieces.
5. Staple the raw edge of the fabric to the top of the board, and wrap the fabric around the edge of the board. The ties will be attached at the same time, one tie is placed on the back side, one on the front side. Depending on the width of your window, they will be 5" to 6" from the edge of the shade.
6. Now you are ready to mount the window treatment to the wall. Remember when hanging any window treatment you want as much window exposed as possible. The bottom edge of the Roman Shade should hide any type of blind or shade that is on the window when that blind is open.
7. Tie a knot with the contrasting ties, bunching up the fabric to your desired length. Congratulations your window treatment is complete!!!
The board is attached perpendicular to the wall, like a shelf, with the "L" brackets
on the bottom. Do not attach the board to the wall until the fabric has
been stapled in place.
The top of the board should look like this, with your fabric neatly wrapped
around the corner of the board.