Wednesday, April 11, 2012

A Clean Home is a Home That Sells

A Clean Home is a Home That Sells
    When you make the decision to sell your home it is important to have it in near perfect condition.  If you are unable to afford costly improvements the one thing everyone can do is clean. My advice is clean, clean, clean and then clean some more.  No one wants to purchase someone else’s dirt.  With the numerous houses I enter on a regular basis there is nothing that stands out more than a spotlessly clean house.  Leave no surface untouched, floor to ceiling, inside, outside, closets, cabinets, basement, garage, light fixtures and windows.  Are you worn out yet?   A clean home will leave an impression on the perspective buyers.     
     I was helping prepare a home for selling and I told the home owner the windows needed cleaning.  I used the tried and true solution of ½ cup ammonia, ½ cup white vinegar and 2 tablespoons of cornstarch in a bucket of warm water.  Remember not to wash your windows when the sun is shining directly on them, you will get streaks.  The home owner could not believe the difference the clean windows made.  Clean windows allow more light in, and instantly brightens the space.
     There are many cleaning products on the market that will help you achieve the results you desire.  The Hope Company has a wonderful product for polishing laminate counter tops.  One of my favorite products is Briwax.  It is a color tinted paste wax for wood.  The color tint helps to hide scratches.  It will bring new life to your interior doors, wood trim, cabinets etc. 
     Once you have cleaned the soap residue from a fiberglass shower enclosure polish it with TR Industries, GA12 Gel Gloss or any fiberglass boat polish.  Never polish the floor of the tub!!! It will be too slippery.
     The above mentioned products are just the tip of the iceberg.  Send me an e-mail with any particular element you may be having difficulty with and I will do my best to find a solution for you.  A clean house is something every homeowner will be able to accomplish.  The attention the home will receive from perspective buyers will be worth the work. 

Remove all personal care items from the bathroom countertop.
Make sure there are fresh towels out for a showing. 
Add an attractive accessory to the countertop. 

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