Wednesday, June 6, 2012


     The Madison, Wisconsin real estate market has seen some nice activity this spring.  I have given advice to many sellers since the start of 2012.  Here are three recent success stories:  

  1. Home listed at $300,000, less than 20 years old.  The home sold in seven days.  The seller had a target date in mind for listing the home and allowed adequate time to make needed changes.  Some rooms were painted, light fixtures changed and the kitchen counter top changed to granite.  And of course I went through room by room listing what should be removed or replaced. 
  2. Home listed at $169,000 over 50 years old.  The home sold in seven days.  The seller had already vacated the property but had the kitchen remodeled.  The paint was touched up in all rooms and the home was spotlessly clean.  I created vignette's and accessorized in key areas.
  3. Home listed at $239,900 over 90 years old.  In 24 hours of the listing going live the home received 2 offers and was sold.  This home was a very classic bungalow in an old established neighborhood.  The objective here was to eliminate furniture to create more visual space and add accessories in high impact areas.  The kitchen had already been remodeled and the color palette of the walls was perfect.
     All three of the sellers were motivated to sell.  Therefore they listened to my advice and followed through.  Guess what?  It paid off.  The sellers followed four important steps when selling a home:  
  1. They hired a professional home stager for advice. 
  2. The home was spotlessly clean.
  3. Necessary up-dates were completed.
  4. A Realtor* was hired to insure the home was priced right and properly marketed. 
     The market is showing some nice activity with many homes being listed for sale.  If it is your intention to list your home, make sure that is shows at it's best by following these four important steps.

A vacant home will show much better when vignettes
and accessories are added. 

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